What were the positives, and are there any negative issues with any aspects of EHR?

What were the positives, and are there any negative issues with any aspects of EHR?

What were the positives, and are there any negative issues with any aspects of EHR?

One of the aspects of meaningful use is the implementation of the electronic health record (EHR). How has the EHR impacted your health care organization? What were the positives, and are there any negative issues with any aspects of EHR?


Present one function of the EHR that has impacted your work and improved patient care. What has been the impact? Present examples.


Last year my organization went live with an EPIC Advance Care Planning (ACP) Navigator. If upon admission the patient couldn’t express their wishes and preferences the clinicians could still access their documents or documentation quickly. These items would show on the initial page of the patient chart once opened which allowed for greater and quicker access to this vital information. If the patient had wishes expressed the medical team was able to access their records and act appropriately. Therefore, expansion of the EHR through the implementation of the ACP navigator had a major impact on improving patient care that is consistent with their wishes and preferences for those who engaged in an ACP conversation or had an advance directive (AD) on file (Moses et al., 2020).

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Moses, A., Dharod, A., Williamson, J., Pajewski, N. M., Tuerff, D., Guo, J., & Gabbard, J. (2020). Considerations for integrating advance care planning into the electronic health record: A primer for clinicians. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine37(12), 1004–1008. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049909120909303


One function of the EHR that has impacted our work and our organization is the Best Practice Alert (BPA). There are many ways that BPA can help with patient outcomes and cost. Bejianki et al. (2018) noted that that under ordering, over ordering, and mis ordering of lab test can cost the healthcare system a large amount of money. That is one reason why BPA’s are nice because they can alert the provider if a test has recently been completed or if there are additional test needed for a particular treatment. An example is with Heparin drips. A PT/INR may have already been completed, but maybe a PTT was not. This is one test that is needed prior to beginning this drip. A BPA pop up can remind the provider that one needs to be ordered. The same thing goes if all lab test had recently been completed.