NUR 513 Describe the steps of the evidence-based research process and the importance of using them

NUR 513 Describe the steps of the evidence-based research process and the importance of using them

NUR 513 Describe the steps of the evidence-based research process and the importance of using them

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a scientific approach utilizing systematic, holistic, and patient-centered strategies to identify and solve problems, improve clinical decision-making, and develop positive patient outcomes(Fulton, 2018). Through creating and sustaining EBP environments, healthcare organizations, educators, and clinicians have advanced the quality and safety of healthcare delivery and promoted optimal patient outcomes.

  There are five steps of EBP:

  1. Identifying the problem
  2. Accessing the best evidence
  3. Critically appraising the evidence
  4. Applying the change to practice
  5. Evaluating the change in practice

It begins by stating the research question, which contains the patient population examined and the interventions considered. The second step involves methodological issues, including sampling and accessing the research literature and the tools for critically analyzing the reports. The sampling process requires an extensive library search of published materials and additional individual communications with individual researchers and authors when further information is needed. In the third step, the sample critically evaluates using objective standards. Then, the data from separate reports are pooled and analyzed for acceptability to interpret research data in the context of statistical significance and clinical relevance. The last step is a cumulative synthesis, which summarizes the process and the findings(Chiappelli,et al.,2006).The sources that can use to locate the information are PubMed and CINAHL. It is advantageous to plan what database to use and what information is needed.


Chiappelli, F., Prolo, P., Rosenblum, M., Edgerton, M., & Cajulis, O. S. (2006). Evidence-based research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine II: The process of evidence-based research. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine3(1), 3–12. 

Fulton, J. (2018). Publishing Evidence-Based Practice Projects : Clinical Nurse Specialist. LWW.

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Throughout this class, we have looked at many concepts that will impact your role as an advanced registered nurse.  In coordination with these core ideas, I wanted to look at the impact of how Christian values can impact your roles. This is not a required activity, but your substantive responses will count toward your participation grade.

In John 8:12 it says: “Then spake Jesus again unto them saying, I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

I like this verse for several reasons, but for our purposes in this discussion, I want to focus on the section where Jesus asks us to follow Him and how that brings us light. I believe that Jesus Christ gives us an excellent example to follow in all things.

What are some ways you can follow Jesus’s example in your current and future nursing roles?

Nursing practice is an act of service to others. It involves serving with the heart of Christ. According to Jones and Bartlett Learning (n.d), Christian nurses view their role as a ministry. Jesus is an example to all nurses, as portrayed in John 8:12. In my current nursing role, following Jesus’ example is crucial for optimal outcomes. The verse indicates the need to abide by Biblical teachings and expectations. Jesus demonstrates kindness, humility, love, and compassion. These critical traits would ensure that my patients receive the best services and adhere to medication. Joy is also another crucial trait that I can leverage in practice. The nursing field is often characterized by intense pressure and anxiety. However, joyfully understanding what is vital in practice would lessen unnecessary stress negatively affecting patient care.

     Following Jesus’ teachings in my future career as a clinical nurse leader would also be crucial. Jahandar et al. (2017) state that spiritual nurse leadership can revolutionize a work environment. Sustainable leadership models meant to guide followers and support every party’s satisfaction are mandatory. Jesus demonstrated great leadership skills in training and working with his disciples. Thus, with the same approach, it is likely that I will enhance nurse retention, patient satisfaction, nurse commitment, and create healthy work environments (Jahandar et al., 2017). Wisdom is another key example evidenced in Jesus’ work and journey. As a nurse leader, I will ensure that my decision-making and advocacy portray wisdom by benefiting all key healthcare stakeholders. Besides, I will promote hope and faith among all staff members to ensure all nursing goals are achieved. Leaders encourage faith in high power, that is, in their practice. Spiritual leadership contributes to increased performance and satisfaction. 


Jahandar, P., Tafreshi, M. Z., Rassouli, M., Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, F., & Kavousi, A. (2017). Nurses’ perspective on spiritual leadership: A qualitative study based on fry’s spiritual leadership model. Electronic physician9(11), 5721.

Jones, İ., & Bartlett Learning, L. L. C. (n.d.). Being a Christian Nurse.

There are several ways nurses can follow Jesus’s example in all nursing roles. He supports people from all walks of life through long days and nights, as do nurses. Nurses support patients offering compassion and understanding, sometimes in the most devastating situations and want to see their patients transition to healthier lives. We must challenge them at times, just as Jesus, and teach them new ways of doing different things. Some examples that come to mind are teaching a new diabetic about diet and nutrition or physical therapy exercises following a knee replacement. These can be very difficult for some patients, but in the long run, they will help tremendously improve their quality of life. Nurses also follow Jesus’s example in advocating for patients and not being discouraged by confrontation from others including doctors, administrators, or family members. Hospitals are sometimes one of the loneliest places, especially when Covid hit. Loved ones could not be together during some of the most difficult times, but nurses were there with their patients supporting them with their presence at times when it was most needed just as Jesus promised to never leave us or forsake us and promises to keep watch through long nights of turmoil (Warfield, 2017).


Warfield, B. (2017). 5 Ways Nurses Mirror Jesus’ Work, Activity. Good Faith Media.

Spiritual wellbeing played a crucial role in patients care and implications for an individual’s health and wellbeing. Spiritual care is vital during nurses assessments. Nursing is a calling , therefore while practicing we need to show compassion, love and kindness to those that are vulnerable, hopeless relying on us for quality of care . Just like Jesus shared his love to everyone even to those that unwelcome him . As nurses we need’s to create an impact to every single patients that we care for .

spiritual needs are acknowledged as being an important part of nursing care and assessment, and as such it can be regarded as a patient outcome. Indeed internationally there is growing emphasis on the importance of the spiritual needs of patients .Spiritual care is believed to be a major part of the nurse’s role .This is consistent with the nurse’s role as a multifaceted one, focusing on holistic care, incorporating the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of patients .

Some study has acknowledged that spiritual distress may occur at any time during the patient’s illness , and as such nurses should be capable to provide spiritual care whenever it is needed specially in spiritual aspects related to assessment .


Pike J. Spirituality in nursing: a systematic review of the literature from 2006–10. Br J Nurs. 2011 Jun 23;20(12)

Wu LF, Tseng HC, Liao YC. Nurse education and willingness to provide spiritual care. Nurse Educ Today. 2016 Mar 1;38:36–41

The evidence-based research process is a systematic approach to identifying, appraising, and using the best available evidence to improve healthcare decision-making. The process has six steps: 1) identifying the problem or question; 2) searching for the best available evidence; 3) appraising the quality of the evidence; 4) applying the evidence to clinical practice; 5) evaluating the outcomes of applying the evidence; and 6) modifying clinical practice based on the evaluation results (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). This process is important in healthcare because it helps to ensure that care is based on the best available evidence, which can improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. In addition, the use of this process can help to foster a culture of inquiry and lifelong learning among healthcare professionals.

Nurses in all specialties go to the same places to look for sources of information when they are first starting an evidence-based project. They begin by brainstorming a list of potential sources, which can include books, articles, websites, and people who are experts on the topic (Boswell & Cannon, 2022). Once they have a list of potential sources, they evaluate each one to determine whether or not it is reliable and relevant. One of the most useful sources of evidence is peer-reviewed journals. These journals typically publish research articles that have been rigorously evaluated by experts in the field. Another useful source of evidence is government reports. These reports often contain detailed data on a variety of topics, including health care and nursing. Finally, professional organizations can also be a valuable source of evidence-based information. These organizations often produce guidelines and position statements that can help to inform project development. By consulting a variety of sources, health care and nursing professionals can ensure that their projects are based on the best available evidence. They also consider how accessible each source is and whether or not it will be able to provide the information they need. After narrowing down their list, nurses then select the most promising sources and begin collecting information from them.


Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2022). Introduction to nursing research: Incorporating evidence-based practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the application of scientific evidence for clinical decision-making in patient care. Evidenced-based clinical practice has the potential to increase the quality of healthcare services while also lowering costs and improving clinical outcomes (Degu, 2022).

The steps for evidence-based practice include searching or finding the evidence, appraising the evidence, implementing the evidence, and evaluating the practice or outcome whether what was implemented made a difference (Lippincott Nursing Center, 2016). These steps are important for an institution to be considered as implementing evidence-based practice.

The 2 biggest databases for evidence-based practice sources are the Joanna Briggs Institute and the Cochrane Library. These databases contain thousands of sources for evidence-based practice research studies and tools for different specialties and disciplines. For nurses in my specialty in Nephrology, I would go to the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) sources to gather information to help determine whether or not a practice problem is appropriate for evidenced-based practice change proposal. These 2 sources provide clinical practice guidelines and evidenced-based practice research studies focused on Nephrology.


Degu, A. B., Yilma, T. M., Beshir, M. A., & Inthiran, A. (2022). Evidence-based practice and its associated factors among point-of-care nurses working at the teaching and specialized hospitals of Northwest Ethiopia: A concurrent study. PLoS ONE17(5).

Lippincott Nursing Center. (2016). Evidence-based practice: Improving practice, improving outcomes part 1(Video). YouTube.