LDR 615 Change Initiative: Creating Vision

LDR 615 Change Initiative: Creating Vision

LDR 615 Change Initiative: Creating Vision

Change Initiative: Creating Vision

Healthcare organizations have various aims or objectives, but a common focus is improving patient outcomes. Therefore, healthcare leaders such as nurse leaders use various strategies that can be used to improve such outcomes. However, the healthcare industry is normally prone to change and experience forces that drive change. As such, healthcare organizations and their leaders have to find the best way to respond to such forces that drive the change so that they put the organizations at an advantage (Harrison et al.,2021). The implication is that the leaders have to be visionary and proactive enough to be capable of predicting possible change and associated driving forces, which they can then modify to help the organization move forward. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the current forces driving change in our field, assess the organization, and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces. In addition, this write-up will identify where there is a need and formulate a vision to inspire change.

Description of  the Organization, Mission, and Stakeholders

            The organization is a medium-sized hospital that forms part of a larger community health network. The organization’s mission involves offering efficient and safe patient care to enhance patient health outcomes and improve their quality of life. The vision is to formulate a lasting relationship with the surrounding community by transforming and sustaining the process of healthcare provision. Our organization’s values are founded on innovation, safety, accountability, and integrity. The organization also has several stakeholders, including the larger healthcare network and system, health providers, nurses, physicians, surrounding communities, and patients.

The External and Internal Forces Driving Organizational Change and Their Origin

            The hospital experiences both internal and external forces that drive change. The external forces that have been experienced for some time include political forces, healthcare reimbursements, emerging technology, and competition. On the other hand, the organization has been experiencing various internal forces such as engagement in missions, new leadership, reduced job satisfaction, relatively higher nurse turnover, and internal controversies. The internal forces emanate from a disruption of the organizational culture, which then impacts the usual operation (Aronsson et al.,2021). On the other hand, the external forces come from factors beyond the organization’s control, which impact our organization’s sustainability, growth, and operations.

The Chosen Driving Force and Specific Issues It Creates

            One of the driving forces that has impacted the organization’s operations is healthcare reimbursement. Over the years, the country has been experiencing soaring healthcare costs; however, healthcare coverage has not grown to match such costs. Individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds may find it hard to have insurance coverage, hence the difficulty in paying for care services (Keisler-Starkey & Bunch, 2020). The implication is that quality enhancement standards should be adopted to improve health outcomes and efficiency. Even though there have been efforts to bring along various stakeholders to help in the issue, our organization still experiences issues with offering the best services to enhance outcomes due to the high healthcare costs.

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            The reimbursement guidelines impact the decision, and the organization has to continually take substantial risks in offering care to patients and reimbursement cuts. It is worth noting that Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance all have different reimbursement rates, impacting decisions such as the nature of care, hospital stay, and even admission (Haglin et al.,2020). Therefore, among the issues that this situation creates is that it becomes complicated for the organization to focus on improving the quality of care offered to patients in the face of the reimbursement changes risks.

Steps Needed To Respond to The Driving Force

            It is important to appropriately respond to the driving force so that it can be to the advantage of the organization. As such, one of the strategies is to leverage medical records to help in making reimbursement decisions (Kazlouskaya et al.,2020). The hospital is known to serve many patients; therefore, by expanding the role of electronic medical records in the assessment of the health care providers’ practice, among other things, the organization will have a better capability of improving the reimbursement mechanisms’ precision so that the system can reward on the basis of quantity. Such an approach will likely work in the organization’s favor and also improve the quality of care offered to patients.

How Employees  Will Respond to The Proposed Change Initiative

            The expansion of the EMR’s role to inform reimbursement decisions implies a change initiative. It is known that people have a natural tendency to support the status quo and resist potential change (Harrison et al.,2021). However, it is expected that the employees will respond in varied ways. For example, the employees in more senior roles, such as administration and management, may receive the proposal positively since the technology would help them make informed decisions, especially on matters related to reimbursement. However, the staff in junior roles may resist the change, but still, some of them may accept the change initiative. The resistance may come from fear of the unknown and difficulties in accepting change. Others may also find it difficult to accept the proposed change since there are several legal and ethical complications that may come with the use of the new technology in decision-making. For example, the patient’s data obtained may lead to biased reimbursement decisions. As such, it is important to use various strategies and mechanisms to ensure that the staff across the board accept the use of EMR and support them to accept the change as an enhancement of improved reimbursement and better patient outcomes.

A Vision For Change and How It Correlates With an Organization’s Mission

            As discussed earlier, individuals can resist change for various reasons; therefore, it is important to establish a vision that may act as a guide to implementing the proposed change. It is also important to use a change model; as such, Kotter’s change model will be used to help drive the change. The model has eight steps, which include the creation of a sense of urgency, formulating a guiding coalition, development of a change strategy and vision, communicating the vision, eliminating barriers, establishing short-term wins, building on the change, and ensuring that the change becomes the organization’s culture (Mohiuddin & Mohteshamuddin, 2020). As such, the leaders will need to formulate the change and the strategy to be used.

            The guiding coalition will then need to refine the proposed EMR change strategy and description. The vision and strategy can then be formulated using appropriate data and ensuring that the staff also contribute their thoughts. The guiding coalition and the leaders then collaborate to identify the change areas, establish success indicators, and implement the initiative. Upon completion of the steps, the guiding coalition and leadership then communicate the change vision to everyone involved. The vision can be communicated to the internal stakeholders through various strategies (Mohiuddin & Mohteshamuddin, 2020). For example, communication can be done through an organization’s official meeting. Communication can also be made through the use of organizational channels such as email.

How The Vision Will Assist Internal Stakeholders In Supporting Change Initiative.

            The stakeholders form an important part of the organization and, hence, should form an integral part of any efforts or initiatives such as change initiatives. Therefore, the formulated vision should assist the stakeholders in supporting the proposed change effort. The implication is that the vision should be communicated to them in good time to enable them to make informed decisions (Mohiuddin & Mohteshamuddin, 2020). As such, the created vision is likely to convince them to support the change efforts since it will paint a picture of how the organization’s operations would be improved upon the use of EMR to support reimbursement decisions. An appropriately formulated vision can play an important role in convincing the stakeholders to accept the change and move on from the old practice. The vision also presents a sneak preview into the future and how better decisions can be made in the future to enhance the organization’s operations and improve its sustainability.

            There are also potential considerations that may be posed by the stakeholders. As such, it is important to have plans for responding to them. The stakeholders may make inquiries regarding how the use of EMR can play a significant role in improving reimbursement decisions and its sustainability. This concern can comprehensively be answered by presenting the advantages and the potential benefits of EMR implementation and how it can help improve future operations.


            Change is inevitable, and organizations such as healthcare organizations usually experience change. Therefore, it is important for leaders to guide the organization through the change process and make the forces of change work to the advantage of the organization. Therefore, this write-up has explored various internal and external forces leading to change.


Aronsson, F., Huusko, A., & Wansulin, V. (2021). Internal and External Forces of Organizational Change in Project Management: A case study on a collaborative project. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1520935&dswid=-5485

Haglin, J. M., Eltorai, A. E., Richter, K. R., Jogerst, K., & Daniels, A. H. (2020). Medicare reimbursement for general surgery procedures: 2000 to 2018. Annals of Surgery271(1), 17-22. Doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003289

Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where do models for change management, improvement and implementation meet? A systematic review of the applications of change management models in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 85-108. Doi: 10.2147/JHL.S289176

Kazlouskaya, V., Toledo-Pastrana, T., Psomadakis, C., Tongdee, E., & Siegel, D. M. (2020). Coding and reimbursement. Photography in Clinical Medicine, 557-561. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-24544-3_34

Keisler-Starkey, K., & Bunch, L. N. (2020). Health insurance coverage in the United States: 2019. Washington, DC: US Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2022/demo/p60-278.pdf

Mohiuddin, S., & Mohteshamuddin, K. (2020). Combination model for sustainable change by utilizing the Kotter’s change model and the Hersey & Blanchard’s leadership model for improving medication errors reporting. Journal of Medical & Allied Sciences10(1), 25-32. https://www.proquest.com/openview/05be1f34a52da7718edcf5527430959e/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=706338