1.What was the “cancer” within the presidency that John Dean was referring to? (SeeDocument 30-1: The Watergate Tapes: Nixon, Dean, and Haldeman Discuss the Cancer within the Presidency) “30”B.The scandal around the Pentagon papersC.The conspiracy around the Watergate break-inD.The investigation of Watergate by Democrats in Congress2.Why did the United States Supreme Court not agree that a woman had an absolute right to privacy and could terminate her pregnancy any time for any reason? (SeeDocument 30-2: Roe v. Wade and Abortion Rights)A.As a Christian nation, the United States could not condone such a violation of Christian ethics.B.Women could very well put themselves in harm’s way under such an absolute right to abortion.C.States had a legitimate interest in the protection of potential life.D.The court determined that life began with conception and enjoyed constitutional protection.3.What, according to Norma McCorvey’s affidavit, was her understanding of abortion at the time she agreed with her lawyers to become a plaintiff? (SeeDocument 30-3: Norma McCorvey Explains How She Became “Roe” of Roe v. Wade)A.It was simply going back to “not being pregnant.”B.The fetus was just a piece of tissue that had to be removed.C.An abortion was the killing of an independent viable person.D.An abortion was the same as contraception.4.According to President Ronald Reagan, why did freedom prosper “only where the blessings of God are avidly sought and humbly accepted”? (SeeDocument 30-4: President Ronald Reagan Defends American Morality)A.Only when Americans prayed could they hope to succeed in business.B.If Soviet Communists were atheists, Americans had to be good Christians.C.Without the church, all of American civil liberties and prosperity were bound to dissipate.D.He believed the American experiment in democracy was built on Christian faith.5.Why was the Vietnamese immigrant happy to be in America? (SeeDocument 30-5: A Vietnamese Immigrant on the West Coast)A.He enjoyed the freedom to work and make his own living.B.He enjoyed American popular culture and movies.C.He nurtured the relationships he had built with Americans back in Vietnam.D.He enjoyed being able to participate in the political process.6.What criticism did Norma McCorvey level against the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade? (SeeDocument 30-2: Roe v. Wade and Abortion RightsandDocument 30-3: Norma McCorvey Explains How She Became “Roe” of Roe v. Wade)A.The ruling was false because she had been bullied into having an abortion.B.The decision was flawed because her lawyers only did it for the money.C.The ruling was meaningless because it did not give meaningful choices to pregnant women.D.The ruling was based on a misunderstanding of the true meaning of abortion.7.How did the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade in 1973 and Ronald Reagan’s position on abortion in 1983 differ? (SeeDocument 30-2: Roe v. Wade and Abortion RightsandDocument 30-4: President Ronald Reagan Defends American Morality)A.Reagan believed that the Supreme Court had violated women’s right to privacy, while the court claimed that it was protecting it.B.Reagan was trying to save the lives of babies, while the court did not address the government’s interest in the health and welfare of the unborn.C.The court ruled on the constitutional rights of pregnant women, while Reagan singled out the constitutional right of the unborn.D.The court ruling reflected the position of NOW activists, while Reagan’s arguments reflected the position of the American Medical Association.8.According to the 2002 Bush administration national security memorandum, what national security strategy had become ineffective in the face of new threats? (SeeDocument 31-1: National Security of the United States Requires Preemptive War)” 31″A.Supporting moderate, modern governments, especially in the Muslim worldB.Using public diplomacy to promote the free flow of information and ideasC.Relying on deterrence through fear of weapons of mass destructionD.Using preemptive military action to address imminent danger9.What was Khalid Sheikh Muhammad indicating when he mentions “the language of any war”? (SeeDocument 31-2: A Captured 9/11 Terrorist Confesses)A.He claimed that the real language of war was English.B.He insisted that terrorism is the only international language of war.C.He implied that, in the language of war, truth and lies mixed and oaths and deceptions became one.D.He implied that he was not a terrorist but simply at war with the United States.10.Why does Tony Campolo believe that “evangelical Christianity has been hijacked?” (SeeDocument 31-3: A Christian Leader Argues That Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked)A.Evangelical Christians had come to neglect Christian issues other than those promoted by the Republican Party.B.Church organizations have increasingly turned religion into a money-making business that had little to do with faith.C.Many former atheists had become evangelicals and dominated the church bureaucracy.D.Evangelical Christians had failed to read the Bible carefully and instead only listened to TV preachers.11.Which of the following does Joseph Stiglitz identify as the most important new regulatory challenge of the late 1990s and early 21st century? (SeeDocument 31-4: Joseph Stiglitz Describes Capitalist Fools’ Responsibility for the Economic Crisis)A.Derivatives tradingB.Stock market speculationC.The minimum wageD.Inflation12.In his 2010 Cairo speech, what did President Barack Obama ask Muslims to do? (SeeDocument 31-5: President Barack Obama Declares a New Beginning in U.S. Relations with the Muslim World)A.Embrace Israel and abandon the Palestinian cause.B.Accept Jesus as their Savior and tear down their mosques.C.Secularize their societies and embrace science.D.Abandon old stereotypes about Americans.13.What idea did both President Barack Obama in Cairo and the authors of the National Security Strategy memorandum from 2002 articulate? (SeeDocument 31-1: National Security of the United States Requires Preemptive WarandDocument 31-5: President Barack Obama Declares a New Beginning in U.S. Relations with the Muslim World)A.The source of terrorism was political radicalism, not the Muslim faith.B.The primary focus of American foreign policy in the Middle East must be the fight against terrorism.C.America’s primary concern with antagonistic Islamic nations was their control of weapons of mass destruction.D.The free flow of information must be restricted in order to stop terrorist attacks.14.What opinion did Joseph Stiglitz and Tony Campolo share? (SeeDocument 31-3: A Christian Leader Argues That Evangelical Christianity Has Been HijackedandDocument 31-4: Joseph Stiglitz Describes Capitalist Fools’ Responsibility for the Economic Crisis)A.Religion had no place in politics.B.Politics should be governed by religious faith.C.The Republican Party had failed to address economic inequality.D.The Democratic Party was dominated by atheist social engineers. 1.What was the “cancer” within the presidency that John Dean was referring to? (SeeDocument 30-1: The Watergate Tapes: Nixon, Dean, and Haldeman Discuss the Cancer within the Presidency) “30”