What personal tools do you implement to help yourself navigate change?
What personal tools do you implement to help yourself navigate change?
What personal tools do you implement to help yourself navigate change?
What is your reaction to change in your personal history? What personal tools do you implement to help yourself navigate change?
My personal thoughts and reaction to change is that change is something that is there for improvement and guidance. When change happens it typically is for the greater good and to bring new and exciting features to a position or a company. There are moments when change can be overwhelming and difficult to see though to the end and in those moments I communicate and really ask questions to understand what is going on. For me personally, communication is the main tool I use when it comes to change. I ask questions, I listen, but I also give feedback on what might be beneficial for the team to hear regarding change. Change is something that will always happen and it is best to look at it optimistically and know that everything happens for a reason.
Denisha Harris
Posted Date
Nov 29, 2021, 9:36 PM
Replies to Apryl Thimsen
Hello Dr. E and Class,
I think change is always going to be an adjustment for anyone. I personally sometimes struggle with change. Change can be a positive or a negative depending on the change that being implemented. I will always look at the glass half full rather than empty. Learning to embrace the change. In my personal time I prayer about any changes that I face it helps me to think better and clear and see the positive side of the new changes. Change will always happen and it needed.
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Change is not always an easy variable to adjust to; especially if it is a disruptive change. Some people become complacent and become resistant when change is present in the workplace. I am adamant that leaders need to create a culture that welcome change. Change is inevitable so why not embrace it. I admire the way you look at change when compared to a half full/ half empty glass. I believe taking as a positive outlook from a situation makes one a wiser individual. For me, experiences are the best teachers. Denisha, lets welcome change together as conscious, effective change agents/ leaders.
• AB
Amanda Beaven
replied toDenisha Harris
Dec 1, 2021, 9:24 PM
Replies to Denisha Harris
Thank you for sharing your post with us. I agree change is difficult, and it is difficult to navigate through. One thing that I always try to do in the event of change is to remain positive. I have learned as a leader that negativity spreads a lot faster than positivity, and if we can look at a situation and find the positive, we can lean on that. When I am explaining a change to my team, and someone becomes resistant, I will spin it in another direction that is positive. This allows them to see the change in a different way. This has helped me a great deal and allows me to always provide that positive energy that people can feed off. What other ways can you embrace change in a professional environment?
• AT
Apryl Thimsen
replied toDenisha Harris
Dec 1, 2021, 9:47 PM
Replies to Denisha Harris
Hi Denisha,
Great response to this discussion question. I think that the outlook that you have is similar to the one I have when it comes to change. Looking at it in a way where like you said “the glass is half full rather than empty” is super important. Change will always happen and it is something that everyone will have to deal with in their personal and professional lives. Great job!