NURS 8114 Philosophy of Nursing Practice
Explanation of Philosophy in Nursing Practice
With many years of experience in critical and emergency nursing, my approach to patient care revolves around providing holistic support. When it comes to looking after a person’s well-being, physical health is only one part of the equation – we must also consider their mental, emotional and spiritual needs (Anderson et al., 2005). To ensure quality treatment for all patients, building trust between them and myself requires attentive listening skills and compassion towards those who are vulnerable or struggling with cultural differences. My mission going forward is not just maintaining but expanding on what I have already learned; obtaining further knowledge through completing my DNP program will enable me to deliver evidence-based practice, thereby increasing positive outcomes from healthcare provision.
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is an opportunity to become a powerful agent for social change, advocating for improved healthcare policies and practices. As part of my studies at Walden University, I am particularly focused on the implementation of diversity and inclusion training for medical providers so that they may better comprehend their patients’ needs from unique perspectives while improving communication with them – ultimately resulting in higher quality patient outcomes (Anderson et al., 2005). Additionally, I plan to actively promote increased access to healthcare services among underprivileged populations living in rural areas by initiating telehealth programs and collaborating with community-based organizations. My mission is to work towards eliminating health disparities within these communities through sustainable solutions that are based upon equity, fairness, respectfulness and solidarity.
In general, my philosophy of nursing practice revolves around providing holistic care with a focus on active listening and cultural sensitivity. As I further develop my skillset as a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), I must commit to evidence-based practices in order to maximize positive patient outcomes (Baumrim, 2004). Additionally, I will work diligently towards improving access for underserved populations while advocating for the integration of diversity and inclusion training within healthcare providers. With these goals in mind, my ambition is to leave an enduring mark on the healthcare system and have a profound effect on patients who entrust me with their care.
Anderson RA, Crabtree BF, Steele DJ, McDaniel RR. Case study research: the view from complexity science. Qualitative Health Research. 2005;15(5):669–685.
Baumrim SB. The shoes of the other. The Philosophical Forum. 2004;35(4):397–410.
Bruton SV. Teaching the golden rule. Journal of Business Ethics. 2004;49(2):179–187
Cunningham WP. The golden rule is a universal ethical norm. Journal of Business Ethics. 1998;17(1):105–109.
Gilovich T, Griffin D, Kahneman D. Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge: 2002.
Huang Yong. A copper rule versus the golden rule: The Daoist-Confucian proposal for global ethics. Philosophy of East and West. 2005;55(3):394–425
Zinn JS, Brannon D, Mor V, Barry T. A structure-technology contingency analysis of caregiving in nursing facilities. Health Care Management Review. 2003;28(4):293–306.
Philosophy of Nursing Practice
It is exceptionally important to me that healthcare providers exemplify the ethnic diversity of the communities in which we serve. The cardiovascular epidemic in the African American female demographic is something that resonates with me, because that demographic is me. Our coronary artery disease (CAD) mortality rates are substantially greater than our non-African American female counterparts (Graham, 2015), and it is my innate responsibility as an African American woman and healthcare provider to positively impact and reduce that statistic as much as possible.
Ethnic Disparities Amongst Registered Nurses in the United States
The most recent statistics show that only 6.7% of Registered Nurses in the United States identify as African American, compared to 80% of those identifying as Caucasian. (AACN, 2023). Moreover, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN, 2022) denoted during their round table discussion, that only 23% of practicing APRNs in America are non-Caucasian. These statistics are important to denote, given the concept of patient/provider concordance. Provision of patient-provider concordance supports cultural competency, improved communication, and an overall improved patient experience (Takeshita et al., 2020). Moreover, the perception of a patient satisfaction has been correlated with improved clinical outcomes (Kennedy, Tevis & Kent, 2015). As a DNP, we have the unique ability to influence the future of nursing via continuous improvements in educational and institutional policy. As a [future] Walden DNP social change agent, my calling is to be an exemplary mentor and innovative leader in my community – encouraging current African American nurses and prospective nursing students to continue their education into advanced practice, leading to cultivation of positive and trusting clinician/patient relationships, all serving to improve clinical outcomes for our demographic.
Goals for Expanding DNP Experience and Practice
I have already started this mentorship/leadership journey by developing a cardiac RN residency program. My objective is to strengthen the cardiac educational foundation of inpatient nurses, including ECG dysrhythmia interpretation, medications, cardiac imaging studies and more, because the only way to improve the statistics that affect my community and healthcare demographic along with improving outcomes is to truly understand the problem(s) at the core.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2023, April). Enhancing Diversity in the Nursing Workforce. to an external site..
Graham G. (2015). Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Risk in the United States. Current Cardiology Rviews, 11(3), 238–245.
Kennedy, G. D., Tevis, S. E., & Kent, K. C. (2014). Is There a Relationship Between Patient Satisfaction and Favorable Outcomes?. Annals of Surgery, 260(4), 592–600.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2022, April). Diversity in the APRN Workforce. Transcript_2022APRN_mbrooks-carthon.pdf ( to an external site..
Takeshita, J., Wang, S., Loren, A. et al. (2020). Association of Racial/Ethnic and Gender Concordance Between Patients and Physicians With Patient Experience Ratings. JAMA Network Open, 3(11):e2024583. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.24583.