Explain how you will be able to use the information found in this source to support your topic.This is for a 12th grade paper. DOOMSDAY ASSIGNMENT GENERAL: Read and research on a possible doomsday scenario and then write a paper.. DIRECTIONS: Step #1 Read and take careful notes on your selected doomsday scenario below highlighted in yellow Step #2 Get online and find a second source that either corroborates or refutes the information you read about your doomsday scenario. Read it and take thorough notes or print your article and annotate. Step #3 Complete the Guided Annotated Bibliography Handout for the article that you researched. (See the page below.) Step #4 Type a 2 page response (3 paragraph min) that: (1) Summarizes your assigned doomsday scenario. Use at least 1 direct quote from your original article, embedded and cited in your paper. [Paragraph #1] (2) Discusses how your found article either corroborates OR refutes the information in the original article. Use correctly embedded and cited direct quotes to support your ideas. You must have at least 2 relevant quotes. [Paragraph #2] (3) Makes a strong connection to the book The Road. Do you see any evidence from the book that supports the possibility that your scenario could explain what happened to the world? If not, what specifically makes it clear that this is not what happened to the world? Use at least one good, clear example from the book. (Please include where it is found in the book.) [Paragraph #3] Source Author (last name, first name) . Name of Site. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation or latest update (if available), URL, DOI or permalink. Date of access. Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. Purdue U, 28 Nov. 2003, www.cla.purdue.edu/english/theory/. Accessed 10 May 2006. Annotation ? Writing the Description : Your annotation should include the main points from the source, as well as the topics covered. Take care not to include any unnecessary details, as the goal is to summarize the source. ? Explanation of Use: Explain how you will be able to use the information found in this source to support your topic. DOOMSDAY SCENARIO: GLOBAL DIMMING You thought the Dark Ages are well behind us? Think again. As we speak, the world is getting darker. One day, we might even perish in a frozen, depressing shadow world. In fact, ‘global dimming’ may have killed hundreds of thousands of people already. Its some decades in the future. Things on Earth have gotten out of hand — totally. Our planet has turned into a cold, terrible place. Outside, a dark gray ceiling of clouds permanently covers the sky. The Sun hasnt shone for many, many years. Its twilight out there, always. And its cold: a devastating ice age has come upon the planet. Trust us: you don’t want to live here. In the eternal night outside, people die by the millions. Those who survive have turned into pale, sickly, depressed, lost souls who could do with a sunny vacation. In isolated bands, they stumble about through the darkness, cuddled together, clinging to life as well as they can. The stuff we call culture has all but slipped away from them; the world’s economy has long collapsed. Today, men live much like our ape-like ancestors did, always hungry, and always looking for food. They feed on a disgusting diet of slimy fungi, insects, rodents and mosses — the only edible things that survive. And frankly, without sunlight, mankind doesnt stand a chance. Oxygen levels will drop, and food will get ever scarcer. In the end, well die a horrible death, one man after the other, one community after the next. Probably, we will have forgotten what kind of a lush, sunny planet Earth once was. Still, out there, above the clouds, the Sun is shining as bright as ever. Its the thick clouds that are causing all the trouble. They bounce back the sunlight into space, preventing it from reaching the Earths surface and its inhabitants. The result: darkness, and cold. So, who put those clouds up there in the first place? Well, blame yourself: you did. You guessed it: its those humans and their pollution again. The Dark Apocalypse even has an official name: global dimming. Already, the Earth is a bit darker and more shadowy than it should have been. Global Dimming was first discovered in the 1980s. In Israel, agricultural biologist Gerald Stanhill coincidentally discovered something weird: the sun shines about 22 percent less in Israel than it did in the 1950s. It is as if someone is slowly turning off the lights! Then came 9/11. In the days following the terrorist attacks, air traffic was grounded. This led to a sudden, remarkable change in American weather. For three days, it was unusually sunny in the US. The nights were exceptionally bright. On average, it got one degree Celsius warmer in the US during those days. That doesnt sound like much — but its huge, in terms of climatology: the biggest jump in temperature ever witnessed. After that, more evidence poured in that the world is really getting darker. Scientists discovered that water evaporates less readily than it did before. And the evidence came from all over the planet: the US is 10 percent darker now than it was in the 1950s, Western Europe 16 percent, and Russia almost 30 percent. In fact, global dimming may have made its first victims already. In the 1980s, about a million Africans in the Sahel died during a massive drought. According to one theory, it was global dimmings doing: the Sun simply didnt shine hard enough to power up the system that should have given the Sahel its rainy season. Freeze or fry? But hey, wait a minute, wasnt the world getting warmer, instead of colder? How about global warming? Youre absolutely right. Theres massive evidence that the world is indeed getting warmer. But its also getting darker. In fact, many scientists believe that global dimming puts the brakes on the warming of our planet. Without global dimming, global warming would be much, much worse! And theres no telling which will win in the end, heat or cold. Roughly speaking, global dimming is faster and heftier, while global warming is slower and more gradual. Somewhere down the line, there could be a threshold, a point where Dimming beats Warming. Suddenly, wed see temperatures drop. Wed be preparing that rodent soup in the dark in no time — say, within several generations. On the other hand, maybe we will be fine. Theres an upshot: the particles in the sky that bounce back the sunlight, dont live that long. Theyll rain down on Earth and get washed away, and that will be it. No ice age, no chewing on rats and bugs. (Well, unless the so-called Hydroxyl Collapse kicks in — but thats another story.) Whats more, were killing global dimming already. In Europe and the US, more and more laws forbid the use of fuels and chemicals that puff noxious particles in the air. Off with you, you mean, sunlight-blocking clouds of dirt! But hold it. There could be a horrible backlash. Didnt we just say that global dimming very likely holds back global warming? There you go: if we stop polluting the skies and put that sunlight back on, the consequences could be truly apocalyptic. Global warming will fiercely kick in again. So, what do you prefer? To fry or to freeze? Would you like to get roasted, or would you rather die in the dark, chewing on bugs? Hmm… Perhaps its a better idea to cut down a little on both pollution and greenhouse gases, after all.