Cause and effect essay is one of the essays students like writing. Mainly, when writing a cause and effect essay, you are required to determine a scenario where an event or action results in some effects or consequences. You are then required to explain what transpired. It is a type of essay that helps you tie different patterns to occurrences. Let us help you choose the best cause and effect essay topics.One worry of most students is “, how do I choose the best topic for my cause and effect essay?” well, here are some nuggets.Choose major events in and outside your life;Conduct research online on current events that have affected people;Focus on those events that are of historical importance;Always choose a topic that interests you;Be sure to choose not so broad or narrow topics;Consider the ability to break down the topic into different subtopics.In this article, we present some good topic ideas for cause and effect has a team of professional essay writers to attend to all your essays. If you need to buy essays online, contact our custom essay writing service.Education and Society Cause and Effect TopicsWhat are the consequences of high student debts in America?Impacts of high college dropout ratesConsequences of teen pregnancy on female studentsImpacts of 9/11 on the educational policiesXenophobia and its effects in institutions of higher learningDoes class size affect the outcomes of students?The impact of bullying on student outcomesBenefits of technology on the academic outcomes of studentsConsequences of online learning on student performanceWhat are the effects on social media on student outcomes?Does homeschooling has benefits or drawbacks?Rising cases of student suicide rates and the causes?School shootings and how gun laws affect itCauses and consequences of the school shootingWhat are the impacts of discrimination among students?The causes of college dropoutsConsequences of campus diversityImpacts of student grants and scholarship on academic outcomesTopics on Health and SocietyThe physical benefits of plastic surgeryImpacts of the opioid epidemicPsychological impacts of video games on childrenReligion, gender, and medical seeking behaviorsDoes being at war cause PTSD among soldiers?Impacts of vaccinations or immunizations on children’s healthCauses and impacts of hospital acquired infectionsThe impacts of AIDs on societyHPV vaccines and how it affects societyCauses and effects of malnutritionNationalizing the health industry, causes, and effectsThe benefits and effects of acupunctureImpacts and causes of tumorsThe impact and causes of cancerEnvironmental factors that affect immunityConsequences and causes of childhood obesityHow fast foods affect the human populationCauses and consequences of anorexia and bulimia.The causes of asthma and how it is preventedSocial impacts of HIV stigmatizationCauses of cataractTechnology and how it affects human healthImpacts of blue light on circadian response and eye healthImpacts of antibiotics resistanceDrug resistance and how it is a global problemImpacts of health insurance on health outcomesGeneral Cause and Effect Essay Topics for outstanding EssaysWhat causes infertility in women?The causes of Arab spring and its effectColonialism and its effect on African statesThe rise of ISIS and its impact on international securityThe impacts of globalization on societyEffects of government control in marketsCauses and consequences of the recessionForced marriages and their impact on the modern familyThe impacts of domestic violence on childrenCauses of impotence in menEffect of video games on students’ performanceCauses and consequences of the World WarsThe causes and impacts of the HolocaustInsomnia and how it affects human healthCauses of fires in forestsThe impacts of deforestation in BrazilConsequences of deforestation in the Amazon BasinEffects of GMO FoodsBullying and social media use among teenagersAlso read: Causal argument essay topicsOther Good Essay Topic for EssaysEffects and causes of racial discriminationThe impacts of homegrown terrorismThe impacts of gun laws on police brutalityThe impacts of blockchain technology on businessBitcoin-Causes and consequences of market failureConsequences and causes of heart diseasesEffects of divorce on childrenDrug ways, its impact, and consequences in ColombiaThe impacts of the internet and social media on cyberbullyingWhat causes voter apathy in elections?Causes and consequences of air pollutionTeenage drug abuse, its causes, and consequencesWhat are the causes and consequences of stress in the workplaceCauses of air accidentsImpacts of marine ecologyCauses and consequences of melting glaciersImpacts of global warming on societyThe rise of terrorism and its impacts on societyConsequences of football hooliganismThe impacts of police violenceEffects of drunk driving and texting when drivingThe consequences of loud music and earbuds when jogging on the highwayImpacts of pornography on teenagers and married couplesHow online shopping creates impulse buyingThe rise of lazy human beings in the digital age and its consequencesCauses of fake news and its consequences on media houses reputationImpacts of youth unemployment in the societyHow colon cancer affects the human populationImpacts of smartphones on marriages and relationshipsHow selfie has affected the self-esteem of youthsData analytics and how it can be used in terrorismImpacts of technology on radicalizationConsider this list of Cause and Effect Essay Topics when Writing an OutlineThe rise of citizen journalism and slacktivism; how it affects societyDoes artificial intelligence affect the pharmaceutical industry?Causes and consequences of high crime ratesThe impacts of human trafficking and prostitutionCauses and consequences of medical tourismThe impacts of north Korean nuclear weapon creation on the worldDrone attacks and how they will affect the futureThe impacts of DNA on crime scene processingThe impacts of the feminist movement on societyThe causes and consequences of drug and substance abuseThe causes of the Vietnam war and its effectsThe impacts of the Spanish war on the USImpacts of forensic science on the criminal justice systemThe consequences of world poverty on hungerCauses of faster maturity in women compared to menThe impacts of body shaming on womenThe impacts of harassment in the workplaceThe causes of consequences on parity in STEM subjectsConsequences of cybersecurity breaches on companiesThe impacts of movies and advertisements on consumerismIf you are stuck with choosing the best cause and effect essay topics for your cause and effect essays, we have provided you with some topic ideas. The list can help you score big and great in college essays.