Advantages and Problems of Network Social CommunicationIt is no doubt that the invention of the internet has triggered a communication revolutionby allowing the users to share information across different platforms regardless of thedistance (Johnston et al. 24). Social networking has taken the world witha twist making it a center of attraction for researchers. There are different types of socialnetworks. However, the most important thing to note at the moment is that these networks haveproblems and benefits alike which understanding makes us better evaluate them.There is more on the brighter side of these social networks. First off, these networksallow the faster exchange of information thus enriching relationships between individuals.Secondly, these social networks also create social capital. Social capital describes the resourcesthat accrue from diverse relationships (Johnston et al. 25). Social capitalhas the key advantage of being used as a forecast for various social problems and socialarrangements such as mental health, school attrition and performance, child development andeconomic development among others (Johnston et al. 26). Essentially,low social capital alludes a great social disorder as well as distrust among the members of thecommunity in question (Johnston, Tanner, Lalla, and Kawalski 26). On the other hand, when thesocial capital is positive there is connectedness among the members of the group and thuscommitment (Johnston, Tanner, Lalla, and Kawalski 26). The network also allows the creation ofbonding relationships that are healthy for emotional well-being. Furthermore, these networks also,permit the bridging of social capital such that there is an exchange of pertinent informationand new ideologies. The social networks help solve the tussle of finding friends. In this case, thesocialThere is also a dark side to the social networks and the whole communication processthat uses the network. First off, people have an avenue to delineate between enemies and friends.For instance, the same social capital might result in hate groups as those seen on Facebookthrough binding the in-group and excluding the out-group (Meltzer). Such a move create notonly free binding problems but also limits individual freedom and undermines the cohesivenessof a group (Johnston et al. 26). These networks also offer a platform forpeople to propagate their harmful deeds. For example, most teenagers are pressured throughsome sites through such things as cyber-bullying, self-harm, and happy-slapping (Meltzer). As amatter of fact, the calls made to ChildLine continues to record an annual increase of 10%(Meltzer). With such pressures comes the risk of mental problems such as depression (Meltzer).Adults aged between 18 and 34 years and who are depressed due to social networks account for53% being that they spend too much time online (Meltzer). Some of the factors that exacerbatethe depression include the fear of loneliness, being single and worrying too much about thequality of relationships with their kin and friend (Meltzer).In conclusion, social networks have advantages as well as disadvantages. Nonetheless,the role of social networks as a tool of communication is unimagined. Noteworthy is the fact thatdespite the problems created by these networks, the network offers various avenues that solve theproblems. Works CitedJohnston, Kevin, Maureen Tanner, Nishant Lalla, and Dori Kawalski. " Social capital: thebenefit of Facebook ‘friends’." Behaviour & Information Technology 32.1 (2013): 24-36. Web.Meltzer, Tom. " Social Networking: Failure to Connect | Media | The Guardian." The Guardian.Guardian News and Media Limited, 7 Aug. 2010. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.<>.